Adding a small amount of safflower oil to your diet is an easy way to lose 4 pounds of belly fat (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition).


Eat Safflower Oil, Burn Belly Fat Fast and Easy

Eat Safflower Oil, Burn Belly Fat Fast and Easy


All you have to do to lose your 4 lbs is consume 1 2/3 teaspoons of safflower oil every day for 9 months along with your regular diet, say researchers from The Ohio State University (OSU).

You don’t have to go on a diet for this weight loss “trick” to work. However, it’s possible to shed even more pounds and realize more health benefits during that 9-month period if you take the initiative to make healthy lifestyle changes. In contrast to going on and off fad diets, your new healthier way of living will help you lose weight and keep it off.

Gain Muscle, Too

This simple way to lose 4 pounds of belly fat without dieting can also increase your muscle mass up to 3 pounds without lifting weights, according to the same OSU study. Increasing muscle mass is important for weight loss enthusiasts because the more lean muscle mass you have in comparison to your body fat percentage, the more calories you burn while resting.

What is Safflower Oil?

Safflower oil is an inexpensive, readily available, common cooking oil you can find at many supermarkets. One of the easiest ways to add it to your diet would be to put it in your favorite salad dressing recipe.

Safflower oil is

  • Colorless and very mild tasting
  • Rich in omega-6 fatty acids
  • Rich in linoleic acid
  • Rich in vitamin E–an antioxidant

Should I buy organic safflower oil? In my opinion, it’s best to buy organic when you hope to change your health with food. Organic safflower oil will have been properly stored, safely packaged, and cold-pressed (naturally extracted), while the same can’t be said for commercial grade products. Research on cold-pressed oils in general, not specifically safflower, show they retain more natural antioxidants than refined oils and have a longer shelf-life of 6 to 12 months.

Burn Belly Fat Without Exercise

Obese, postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes consumed 1 2/3 teaspoons of safflower oil a day for 36 weeks to burn belly fat without exercise, according to the participants results in the OSU study. These ladies did not exercise more or eat less and still lost 2.6 to 4.2 pounds of abdominal fat.

Bigger Muscles without Exercise

Who would have thought you could have bigger muscles without exercise. The women in the OSU safflower oil study increased lean muscle by 1.4 to 3 pounds, simply by adding the prescribed amount of safflower oil to their diet.

How Does Safflower Oil Burn Belly Fat?

Safflower oil can help you lose 4 lbs of belly fat without dieting because consumption may increase a hormone (adiponectin), which is suspected to burn dietary fat, says the study’s senior author, Martha Belury, Ph.D. R.D. The women’s blood level of adiponectin increased while taking supplemental safflower oil.


References for Eat Safflower Oil, Burn 4 lbs of Belly Fat

1. Norris, L. E., et al. (2009). Comparison of dietary conjugated linoleic acid with safflower oil on body composition in obese postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes mellitus. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 90(3), 468-476. doi:10.3945/ajcn.2008.27371

2. Ohio State University; Two Dietary Oils, Two Sets of Benefits For Older Women With Diabetes; 2009

3. Ohio State University; The Role of Dietary Safflower Oil in the Management of Glucose Levels in Obese Postmenopausal Women with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Senior Honors Research Thesis; Karen Guo; May 2011

4. Prescha, et al. (2014). The Antioxidant Activity and Oxidative Stability of Cold-Pressed Oils. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society J Am Oil Chem Soc, 91(8), 1291-1301. doi:10.1007/s11746-014-2479-1