Silver Yoga, in conjunction with conventional dementia therapy, has positive effects on the mental and physical health of seniors living in a nursing home, according to research results published in International Psychogeriatrics.


Silver Yoga Benefits Seniors in Nursing Homes

Silver Yoga Benefits Seniors in Nursing Homes


While you might think of yoga as trendy exercise for the young and fit, it’s actually a therapeutic modality appropriate for most people regardless of their age, weight or level of fitness.

Even elderly dementia patients can do yoga because a properly trained teacher can modify poses to suit their students’ needs. Seniors and others with physical challenges, typically participate in seated yoga classes, like Silver Yoga.

What Is Silver Yoga?

Silver Yoga, also known as Silver Age Yoga, is yoga therapy for seniors. Created by yoga experts and tested for safety, the modified yoga poses in the Silver Yoga program accommodate the limited flexibility and mobility frequently found in this aging population. This type of gentle yoga offers seated, chair-assisted and free-standing asanas.

This type of gentle yoga offers seated, chair-assisted and free-standing asanas. A typical Silver Yoga class has four components:

  1. eight warm-up exercises
  2. seven gentle Hatha yoga poses
  3. a relaxation pose
  4. guided meditation

Seniors Completed 3 Silver Yoga Classes per Week

The participants in this yoga study from Fooyin University and Kaohsiung University in Taiwan were:

  • men and women aged 60 and older
  • nursing home residents in long-term care
  • suffered from mild to moderate dementia

Split into two groups:

  • 33 seniors completed 3, 55-minute yoga classes per week for 12 weeks
  • 35 seniors went about their daily activities and did not do yoga

Health Benefits of Silver Yoga for Dementia Patients

After 12 weeks, the silver yoga seniors realized a variety of mental and physical benefits, including:

  • significantly less depression and problem behaviors
  • lower blood pressure
  • enhanced flexibility
  • improved strength and endurance
  • increased range of motion

If you’re interested in karma yoga, consider getting certified as a Silver Age Yoga Instructor (you don’t have to be a yoga teacher) because you could help improve the quality of life for dementia patients living in a long-term care facility.


Yoga References for Silver Yoga Benefits People in Nursing Homes

Photo credit: David Robert Bliwas